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Gangwon Gamyoung as a space for publication
  • UNESCO City of Literature, Wonju > Publishing >  
  • Gangwon Gamyoung

Gamyoung was a state government in the Joseon Dynasty(1392-1910). During the Joseon Dynasty, a provincial government was established in each state by the king’s order. In the country back then, there were eight states. Wonju was in Gangwon-do province and Wonju was the capital city of Gangwon-do province. Thus, Gamyoung, a state government and its facilities, was established and Wonju had Gangwon Gamyoung. So, for this reason, Gangwon Gamyoung reminded everyone of Wonju.

As Gamyoung was established in the capital city of each state in the Joseon Dynasty, Gamyoung played a very important role in everything. Public officials worked in Gamyoung and all administrative affairs were done in paper work for all kinds of order and communication. Thus, the publication was also one of the main activities of Gamyoung.

Gangwon Gamyoung of Wonju published books or anthologies of many different kinds applied with traditional binding technology. When the central government requested books or anthologies, Gangwon Gamyoung of Wonju published and sent them to the central government in Seoul. The governor of Gangwon Gamyoung of Wonju also many times ordered the publication of books and anthologies to stir up literary spirit of the community.

Gangwon Gamyoung of Wonju published classical books of lessons and instructions such as ‘Three Basic Principles in Human Relations’(published in 1434, the subject was about cases of filial sons and daughters of Korea and China) , ‘Principal Elements of Humans’(published as an updated version of ‘Three Basic Principles in Human Relations’, the subject was about what ordinary citizens should do), ‘Book on Military Strategy and Tactics’, ‘Book on Political Measures by Kings’, ‘Law Books’, etc and helped Gangwon-do people learn and become refined in humanities and culture.

The paper mulberry was the source of the production of books and the paper mulberry grew well in Wonju because Wonju was a place with quality water and soil, and good amount of sunshine.

As the history proves, Wonju was also a central place for publication. Its legacy and tradition can be found in Wonju Hanji and Wonju Hanji Theme Park.